Take a Seat!

"Next week's no good for me. The Jonas Brothers are in town."

Thursday, January 14, 2010


So, let's get this started.

Tuesday started off with waking up at 7:45 to make coffee before tracks 9:00am practice. Our workout was running in the foot of snow with regular shoes and tossing a medicine ball with a partner. If the medicine ball was dropped we would have to run to a certain point. This was all because some didn't turn envelopes in (Me being one of them). After this, my body was in shock and super tired, but wait we had another workout at 3:00. Two-a-days are really taking it out of me. We had that workout, which was 10/300s on the indoor track, this was a challenge for me mentally and physically considering my mileage over break was a big fat zero. After the hell of the workout I didn't want to move, it was ridiculous. After dinner, a lot of the track team went bowling. It was a lot of fun, I started out bad, but once power bowling I did a lot better and bowled a 157 my first game. We had names from Jersey Shore, Rappers, Movies (Brokeback Mountain) and many others. The second game was just fooling around mostly. After this me, my roommate and Jack and Freeman went over to 18 Orchard, the track/xc house. We were celebrating Jack's 19th birthday. We drank a lot, and had many good laughs. Jack and I had some solid bonding in the dorms after (No Homo).

Today I woke up at 7:45am feeling pretty good, considering last night. This morning I didn't even run, because of the mileage we were gonna get during the workout later. I sat around and waited till they were done running, we continued to do drills and we had to do wall sits, because some people were late (that pissed me off, but oh well). After that, we went to go eat lunch and then I came back to my dorm and got a solid 2 hour nap before the next practice. We had a steady state run today, and we did a 7 mile run. It was tough, but I stayed with it. After this, a lot of us were craving Taco Bell so we decided to make a trip there. My appetite when we got there however was not really so great. Me, my brother Trevor, Andy, his Girlfriend Kristine, Mac, Freeman, Dan, Rob, and Jack stayed and chilled there for a little bit and then we went to 18 Orchard to watch a movie. We watched Rushmore, which was such a good movie (I suggest watching it). After that, me and some of the other freshman, just came back and chilled. I played MW2 for a bit, and didn't do to bad considering not playing in a couple days.

And those were those 2 days in a nutshell. Later!